Together we are more

Bothnian Arc strives to promote cross-border co-operation in our region enhancing sustainable, balanced and borderless territorial development with respect to regional diversity. We are a region, against all odds.

Bothnian Arc is one of the twelve border regions of the Nordic Council of Ministers' and a member of AEBR (Association of European Border Regions) together with Tornedalsrådet.

Bothnian Arc today is the northern center of population, industrial green transition, sustainable energy, knowledge and education.

Our values & mission

Our values are

  • sustainability
  • borderless functionality
  • respect för diversity
  • collaboration over competition

Our mission is

  • to connect and mobilize our stakeholders to work together
  • identifying obstacles by facilitating knowledge exchange
  • promoting and identifying or common interests inside and outside of the region
  • Identifying opportunities for cooperation, synergy and joint solutions.


Our members are

Kalajoki, Raahe, Oulu, Ii, Simo, Kemi, Tervola, Tornio, Ylitornio, Haparanda, Kalix, Boden, Luleå, Piteå and Skellefteå

Read more about our members

Our structure


Bothnian Arc Board consists of chair and 11 members and their alternates. Mirja Vehkaperä is the the chair of the Board and Daniel Smirat vice chair. The chairmanship of the Board rotates every two years between the City of Oulu in Finland and Luleå Municipality in Sweden.

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting is the highest authority of the Bothnian Arc association, and it has the power to take decisions concerning the activities of the association. The annual meeting is held once a year in Sweden and Finland respectively.

Basic facts

  • More than 700 000 inhabitants
  • Largest cities in the area are the university cities of Oulu and Luleå
  • The area is rich in natural resources, which are utilized by further processing them in various parts of northern Sweden, northern Finland and northern Norway.
  • Industry in the region plays a leading role in the EU's green transition
  • International innovation hubs, digital competence​
  • Major export industries​ (ICT, forestry, pulp mills, board mills, paper mills, sawmills, chemical, bioproduct and steel industries)
  • Four airports, ten harbors
  • Culturally rich area
  • Bothnian Arc is a unique area, where you can visit two countries on a same trip. 

Membership in Bothnian Arc

Who can be a member?

The membership in the Bothnian Arc association is open for municipalities, regional municipalities, provinces or similar located in the Bothnian Arc area in Finland and Sweden.

Other authorities, organisations and companies in the Bothnian Arc area can become supporting members.

Why become a member?

  • to promote cross-border cooperation in our region together with other partners within Bothnian Arc
  • to develop together sustainable tourism and infrastructure in our region
  • to promote common interests inside and outside of the region (to be a strong voice together).
  • knowledge exchange
  • to increase competence together with other actors